
Jobs With Flexible Hours: Recruiting From Home is the Solution

Recruiting isn’t just for human resources! Recruiting offers opportunities to work remotely, set your own hours, and enjoy the freedom to choose your setting. Whether you prefer the comfort of your home, the tranquility of a poolside, or the energy of a coworking space, remote recruiting lets you work from wherever your heart desires. I foresee jobs with flexible hours being the way of the future! We’re no longer tied to an office space.

Here are some inspiring ways recruiting can change your life:
  • If you are an entrepreneur, start your own recruiting business and work from anywhere in the world.
  • If you are a person with disabilities, look for recruiting jobs with flexible hours that allow you to work from the comfort of your home and set your hours so that you can accommodate your outside appointments.
  • If you are a parent, work from home. Jobs with flexible hours will allow you to be more available for your children, appointments, and pick-up times.
  • As a travel lover, you may be able to work as a recruiter abroad thanks to having a job with flexible hours.

With an internet connection and the ability to connect with candidates, you can unlock a world of possibilities as a remote recruiter. Your geographical location no longer dictates your career path.

The Power of Choice

Imagine a career that empowers you to make decisions that align with your lifestyle and aspirations. Remote recruiting grants you the freedom to structure your workday while maintaining a harmonious balance between your professional life and personal well-being. 

Every day, recruiters get to experience the magic of connecting people with their dream jobs—a transformative process that sparks passion and reshapes lives. That’s the contagious joy of recruiting.

Lucrative Earning Potential

As an hourly contract recruiter, you can earn upwards of $50 per hour, placing you among the highest earners in the recruitment industry. I can personally attest to this being true. Recruiters can earn a six-figure income, with the top earners making over $200,000 per year.

Unlike traditional salaried positions, remote recruiting offers the prospect of unlimited income. As you refine your skills and expand your network, your earning potential will skyrocket.

Recruiting Skills Made Simple will help you streamline your processes and maximize your productivity, significantly boosting your hourly earnings. Jobs with flexible hours aren’t always an efficient way to earn money, but we reveal proven strategies and techniques to increase your potential from day one.

Invest in Your Professional Development

Enhance your recruiting expertise by enrolling in the Recruiting Skills Made Simple program and earning 45 Professional Development Credits recognized by both the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) and the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI). As an approved provider by SHRM and HRCI, our program provides valuable training that not only enhances your skills but also improves your resume (even if you aren’t certified). This makes you a highly sought-after remote recruiting professional, well-equipped to navigate the evolving realm of talent acquisition.

Seize the Opportunity for Growth

Imagine: shaping careers, connecting talent with dream jobs, and crafting your work-life rhythm. Ditch the office grind and embrace a career that lets you:

  • Work from anywhere: Beach bungalow? Mountain cabin? Coffee shop? Your call!
  • A job with flexible hours: Set your own hours, ditch the commute, and reclaim your time. 
  • Make a difference: Every placement is a life change, a dream realized. Your work matters!
  • Explore diverse industries: learn about new businesses, trends, and opportunities every day.

Remote recruiting isn’t just a job; it’s a lifestyle. It’s about saying goodbye to limitations and saying hello to endless possibilities.

jobs with flexible hours—recruiting skills made simple.

Enroll today and gain lifetime access to our comprehensive course, complete with valuable templates, formulas, and ongoing updates. 

Plus, SHRM & HRCI members receive 45 PDCs, while non-members earn certificates of completion to enhance their resumes. With Recruiting Skills Made Simple, you’ll acquire lifelong skills and the tools to transform your career and personal life.

Earn 45 SHRM & HRCI -approved Professional Development Credits
Enjoy lifetime access to the course, including updates, freebies, and exclusive offers
Delve into 40+ comprehensive recruitment training lessons
Discover real-world resources to land your dream job as a recruiter
Empower yourself with the exact strategies I’ve used to hire over 1,000 employees across diverse industries
Attract a surge of qualified candidates
Establish strong relationships with candidates and hiring managers
Harness proven strategies to streamline your recruitment process
Gain a deep understanding of essential HR laws and organizations
Explore a multitude of career options, including freelancing, remote work, part-time, in-office, building your staffing agency, and generating additional income

Recruiting will never go out of style; it’s an essential part of every business, and there is a lot of money involved with talent acquisition, training, and recruiting. Recruiting Skills Made Simple is a SHRM & HRCI approved provider.

Transform Your Career and Income with Expert Recruitment Training

recruitment training

Recruiting is a fun and lucrative job for anyone who enjoys working with people, building relationships, and helping others succeed. Recruiters play a vital role in the job market, connecting talented individuals with companies that need their skills and experience. As a result, if you invest in recruitment training, you will have endless options within the recruiting and human resources fields.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a background in HR or talent management to excel in this field. In fact, many of the skills you’ve already honed in your previous roles can be seamlessly applied to this rewarding path. Recruitment training is something that you can complete in your free time and that will transform your life and career.

According to Indeed, the average salary for a recruiter in the United States is $72,690. However, top recruiters can earn much more, with some earning upwards of $200,000 per year.

After reading this post, you’ll realize that you’re already well-equipped for a fulfilling career as a recruiter. Recruitment training might be just the missing piece that takes you to the next level!

Ready to start your recruiting journey?

You are Compassionate

Compassion is the most important quality for a successful recruiter. As a recruiter, you are actively changing people’s lives. By keeping this in mind, you can enjoy and appreciate every client conversation. Finding someone a great job can mean helping them put food on the table and clothes on their children’s backs.

As a recruiter, you are directly contributing to people’s quality of life. Recruiting is a job where you have a never-ending positive impact on people’s lives. Candidates can sense your compassion.

When you care, candidates will trust you. As your client relationship flourishes, you will experience open communication, better placement results, and fewer missed interviews.

Your Customer Service Skills are Spot-On

Recruiting requires customer service. You will need to communicate with candidates, clients, and colleagues with kindness, compassion, and understanding. These skills are essential for building trust and rapport, which are essential for success in recruiting.

Great customer service is as simple as being kind, listening, and empathizing. When you demonstrate professionalism, candidates will trust you to find them a great job. Our recruitment training will provide you with the tools you need to improve your customer service skills and efficiency.

You’re Comfortable on a Computer

If you can save a file, send an email, and use a phone, then you have all the technical skills needed to be a successful recruiter! Most of us spend a lot of time on the web and social media, so we are more comfortable with computers than we were just 10 years ago. Any computer skills you don’t have will be easy to pick up along the way.

For example, the better your typing skills are, the easier it will be to take notes on candidates. You will become more comfortable with recruiting tasks over time. In my book, Recruiting Skills Made Simple, I provide useful trackers to help you track your recruiting efforts. These trackers are a great tool to help you identify your strengths and come as part of your recruitment training bundle.

You Enjoy Games

If you enjoy crossword puzzles or word games, you can use your skills to earn money in a new and exciting way. Resume scanning is like a word game where you pick out the keywords, experience, and education that match the needs of an employer. The better you are at resume scanning, the faster you can scan, the more people you can reach out to effectively, and the bigger your paycheck will be.

I’ve turned my entire recruiting career into a game. I try to beat my own key performance indicators (KPIs) every month to achieve a bigger payout and higher commissions. It’s a game that pays, and with my help and a little recruiter training, you can make it a game that pays for you too.

5 Skills You Have That Make Recruiting an Easy Career Change

You Can Manage a Schedule

The more efficient you are with your time, the more money you will make as a recruiter. Recruiting success is directly correlated to your effort. If your motto is “work smarter, not harder,” recruiting is the career for you.

Recruiters must know where to focus their time. In my book, Recruiting Skills Made Simple, I emphasize where to spend your time to maximize your income. I also provide three templates to help you track everything you do: the Candidate Tracker, Requisition Tracker, and Submittal Tracker.

To be successful at recruiting, it’s important to be organized and track your work. I’ll show you how to fine-tune your skills in my book.

Transferable Skills

The skills you already possess can be seamlessly applied to a rewarding career in recruitment. Whether you have a background in sales, customer service, or even education, your existing skills can be leveraged to excel in this dynamic

Here are some specific examples of transferable skills that can be applied to a recruiting career:

  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Active listening
  • Probing questions
  • Clear articulation
  • Organization and time management
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-solving
  • Sales and negotiation skills
  • Customer service skills
  • Networking and relationship-building
  • Research and data analysis
  • Writing and editing skills

Communication and interpersonal skills: You’re a people person through and through, with a knack for building connections and fostering rapport. Your ability to listen attentively, ask insightful questions, and communicate clearly makes you a natural at connecting with both candidates and clients.

Organizational and time management: You’re a master of juggling multiple tasks and keeping deadlines in sight. Your organizational skills will be put to the test as you manage candidate pipelines and ensure that placements happen on time and smoothly.

Adaptability and problem-solving: The recruiting world is constantly evolving, and you’ll need to be quick on your feet to adapt to new challenges and find creative solutions. Your ability to think outside the box and solve problems will be invaluable.

Sales and negotiation skills: You’re persuasive and enjoy negotiating and closing deals. Your sales savvy will come in handy as you attract top talent and educate them on the benefits of new employment.

Customer service skills: You put candidates and clients first, always going the extra mile to ensure they have a positive experience. Your customer service expertise will make you a valuable asset to any recruiting team.

Whether you want to be your own boss or work for a corporation, the skills you learn in Recruiting Skills Made Simple will give you the confidence to stand out from the competition. You can launch your new career today!  *Earn 45 professional development credits (PDCs) towards your SHRM recertification.*

Enroll Here and Get Started Today!

Recruiting from Scratch – Recruiter Styles That Earn More Money!




The ways to earn money as a recruiter are unlimited.

We are going to explore what’s right for you and your lifestyle so that you can maximize your earnings! 

When you help someone find a job, you are not only helping them to achieve their career goals, but you are also helping to improve their quality of life and the lives of their families. Recruiting is one of the few careers where you get to give good news almost all the time.

Recruiting is a very secure career option. There is always a high demand for recruiters, and the job market is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. Recruiters also have a great deal of freedom in their careers. Many recruiters work remotely, and they often have the opportunity to travel and meet new people.

When choosing a recruiting job, it’s important to consider what is important to you and your family. You may be interested in recruiting for specific industries, while others prefer to focus on certain remote freedoms.

Lets take look at some of the most common recruiting jobs and the types of hires they typically recruit for:

  • Executive recruiter: Executive recruiters specialize in recruiting senior-level executives and managers. They typically work with clients to understand their needs and then identify and recruit qualified candidates.
  • Corporate recruiter: Corporate recruiters recruit for a variety of roles within a company, from entry-level to senior-level positions. They may specialize in a particular industry or function, but they are also generalists who can recruit for a wide range of roles.
  • IT recruiter: IT recruiters specialize in recruiting for technology roles, such as software engineers, web developers, and network administrators. They typically have a strong understanding of the IT industry and the skills and experience required for different roles.
  • Healthcare recruiter: Healthcare recruiters specialize in recruiting for healthcare roles, such as nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals. They typically have a strong understanding of the healthcare industry and the skills and experience required for different roles.
  • RPO recruiter: RPO recruiters work for recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) firms. They are responsible for managing the entire recruiting process for their clients, from sourcing candidates to conducting interviews to making hiring recommendations.

In addition to these general recruiting jobs, there are also a number of more specialized recruiting jobs, such as:

  • Technical recruiter: Technical recruiters specialize in recruiting for highly technical roles, such as software engineers, data scientists, and machine learning engineers. They typically have a strong understanding of the technical skills and experience required for these roles. 
  • Creative recruiter: Creative recruiters specialize in recruiting for creative roles, such as graphic designers, web designers, and copywriters. They typically have a strong understanding of the creative industry and the skills and experience required for different roles.
  • Sales recruiter: Sales recruiters specialize in recruiting for sales roles, such as account executives, business development representatives, and customer success managers. They typically have a strong understanding of the sales industry and the skills and experience required for different roles.
  • Diversity and inclusion recruiters: Diversity and inclusion recruiters specialize in recruiting candidates from diverse backgrounds. They work to ensure that companies have a diverse workforce and that their hiring practices are fair and inclusive.

Don’t forget to consider your career goals. If you are interested in moving into a management role, you may want to explore an executive recruiter or RPO recruiter role. If you are interested in working with clients to develop and implement recruiting strategies, you may want to consider a corporate recruiter role.

Instant Familiarity! Seek a recruiter position in the industry in which you are experienced

When starting a new career in recruiting? Why not recruit for the industry that you are leaving behind? Chances are great that you have some insider points of view that can help you be a better recruiter simply by having experienced the role yourself. 

If recruiting for familiar positions will make you more comfortable as you ramp up your book of business, then do that! Sometimes, taking the easy, familiar route will pay off. 

In Recruiting Skills Made Simple’ the course, I go over several techniques to facilitate getting familiar with new positions. Check it out today and set your recruiting skills apart from the crowd. 

As a recruiter, you will change people’s lives

I provide formulas to enable your recruiting success. Trackers, tips for productivity, positivity, the questions to ask your candidates, and so much more in order to take the mystery out of a recruiting career or side hustle! If you desire a lucrative career and an achievable way to earn money that requires no prior skills or prior education, then recruiting is for you. 

recruiting jobs to impact your income

Dive into Recruiting Skills Made Simple today and gain the freedom that you’ve always dreamed about